The Title Serenity Naiyang is a condominium project in the Sakhu area of Phuket, situated just 400-500 meters from Naiyang Beach and adjacent to Sirinat National Park. This low-density resort-style development consists of 814 residential units spread across six seven-story buildings. Completed in August 2022, it offers a mix of 1, 2, and 3-bedroom units.
The project is designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding natural environment, offering over 27 on-site amenities, including a communal pool, clubhouse, gym, kids’ zone, mini theater, and more. Its prime location near Phuket International Airport and close to other beaches and golf courses makes it an attractive option for both residents and investors. The area’s ongoing development, including plans for a major international medical hub nearby, further enhances its appeal as a long-term investment